Globally, CVD-related deaths are the most common cause of deaths due to smoking – more than pulmonary and other diseases! Conversely, tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke exposure remain major causes of cardiovascular disease, contributing to approximately 10% of all CVD deaths around the world – over 1.5 million per year. Urgent action is needed to prevent the predicted 8 million tobacco-related deaths per year that will be reached by 2030.
WHF has long been and remains a fierce global advocate in the fight against tobacco. Our partnership with organisations such as NCDA and FCA, active support of tobacco control initiatives from our members, and publishing and promoting tools like the tobacco roadmap keeps us at the forefront of this ongoing public health challenge. WHF now engages even more directly with all its members and partners through our Tobacco Expert Group (TEG), established in 2018. The TEG serves to guide WHF policy and activities around tobacco control at the global level. Its work is informed by three main objectives:
E-cigarettes: A New Threat to Cardiovascular Health
The WHF Policy Brief on E-cigarettes lays out the negative impacts of e-cigarettes on people’s cardiovascular health and highlights the need for stricter regulation and greater oversight of these harmful products. It provides evidence-based, practical guidance that can be adapted to local contexts.
Download the Policy BriefThe following are some of the key activities for WHF advocacy on tobacco control:
In line with the World Health Organization’s World No Tobacco Day campaign, the World Heart Federation encourages everyone everywhere to adopt a healthier lifestyle. A healthy diet is essential to the prevention and reduction of heart disease and many of its associated risk factors. The daily consumption of nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, […]
The Indonesian Heart Foundation successfully implemented the “Sekolah Tanpa Advertising Rokok” (School with No Cigarette Advertisement) – STAR initiative from October 2022 to February 2023 in five cities across Indonesia, with the support of the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation and the World Heart Federation through the World Heart Grants programme. The initiative aimed to educate junior […]
The World Heart Federation (WHF) officially endorsed a statement issued by the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) to support the Ministry of Health of Malaysia on its Generational End Game (GEG) policy proposal. WHF believes that the GEG policy constitutes a sensible strategy to protect future generations from lifelong addiction as well as chronic […]
Tobacco kills over 8 million individuals every year, including 1.2 million non-smokers as a result of second-hand exposure. The effects of tobacco on health, as well as its links to a wide range of diseases, are well-established. As a leading cause of heart disease, tobacco contributes to approximately 17% of all cardiovascular disease deaths and […]