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Call for papers: submit your research on COVID-19 and CVD

20 Mar 2020

The world is struck by the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the eventual spread remains uncertain, as is the true case-fatality rate, research shows that older patients with chronic cardiovascular conditions are particularly vulnerable. The infection puts pressure on health systems and staff both through health professionals being affected or quarantined and depletion of hospital resources and capacity.

Global Heart, the official journal of the World Heart Federation, is inviting researchers to submit their observations on the interaction between CVD and COVID-19.

We are interested in epidemiologic research and strategies for prevention, containment, treatment and prognosis of COVID-19 in relation to CVD risk and cardiovascular patients. We particularly welcome results based on data in low-resource settings and solutions that demonstrate effective policies in health care prioritization.

To submit your research, please go here.

For enquiries, please contact Global Heart Editor in Chief Rick Grobbee at