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#TimeToTackleRHD – Join the campaign for a WHO Resolution on rheumatic heart disease

07 Mar 2017

he World Heart Federation is advocating for a global commitment on rheumatic heart disease from countries at the World Health Organization. We have launched the #TimeToTackleRHD campaign as we believe that RHD has been ignored by global decision-makers for too long.

We are calling for your support in this process – you can download the Starter Pack below to join the campaign.

What is a Resolution?

A Resolution is a piece of written global policy agreed by all of the countries that make up the World Health Organization (WHO). Once passed, a Resolution will form a global commitment on RHD. Decision-makers, including governments and the WHO, will then have to recognize RHD as a global priority, and approach and fund it appropriately.

Through RHD Action – a movement co-founded by the World Heart Federation in 2014 – the WHF has been supporting the government of New Zealand and a number of other countries to pass a Resolution on RHD. A draft Resolution will be discussed by countries at the next session of the WHO Executive Board from 01-02 June 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Download the Starter Pack

To help you advocate in your own country, we have prepared an RHD Resolution Starter Pack. This Pack includes:

  • Background information on RHD and the global commitment
  • Timeline of next steps and key dates
  • Campaign communications guide
  • Template advocacy letter to national decision-makers (with completed example)

You can download the Starter Pack materials from the RHD Action website here

What you can do 

There are a number of actions you can take to support a Resolution on RHD:


If you have any questions, need more guidance or need contact details for your national decision-makers, please email Joanna Markbreiter, Policy & Advocacy Manager, WHF at