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José Ramón González Juanatey

Candidate for Members at Large
A portrait image of Jose Ramon Gonzalez Juanatev

José Ramón González Juanatey



The World Heart Federation (WHF) is aimed to improve the cardiovascular health across the world by promoting initiatives focused on education, particularly in the children population, for help to achieve a healthy lifestyle. This is highly relevant in middle and low-income countries and regions. These projects are of special relevance since educated children are major drivers for healthy changes in their parents. In the case I would be elected for the WHF board, I would like to be involve in these projects and based in previous experiences during my period of President of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and on my involvement in the International Olympic Committee I will try to involve well recognized athletes in these initiatives with the aim of increase the overall impact of the programs.

The WHF advocacy is also a major objective of our organization. Is required to be oriented to promote a more country governments and other regional political organizations like the World Health Organization, European Union Commission, etc in projects oriented to improve the quality of care in cardiovascular medicine in the Public Health Services. My suggestion for the WHF is develop project oriented to assess well accepted quality markers in cardiovascular medicine (risk factors identification and control, myocardial infarction care, heart failure, etc) in some low and middle-income countries/regions with the aim of identify opportunities for improvement. In the case I would be elected for the WHF board, based on my previous experiences in Spanish and European projects focused on quality of care, I will try to help to implement a WHF project focused on quality of cardiovascular care working together with selected National Health Services and International Health Organizations.

Increasing the social impact of the health organizations, like the World Heart Federation, needs to be a major objective in their strategic plans. It is needed to develop a model for improving the impact of our organization and social, patients and health providers. In the case I would be elected for the WHF board, I would like work together with other Board members and the WHF staff for elaborate a Social Network plan with initiatives for increasing the overall visibility and impact of our Organization; including educational programs for the general population, patients, and health providers. These type of programs in the social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc), have a major impact for attracting the interest of sponsors interested in the population health.