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Demand a cardiovascular action plan to save lives


I call on all elected officials to put a heart action plan in place and defeat the world’s biggest killer.

Sign now

Facing up to the reality of cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s number one killer. Combined, conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels – such as heart attack, stroke and heart failure – kill more than 20.5 million every year.

Current efforts to address cardiovascular disease at a national level are not working. The number of deaths continues to rise, while economies are impacted more and more. Direct healthcare costs and indirect costs related to lost productivity cost the global economy hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

We must act now to insist that national governments and health ministries make cardiovascular health a priority. Because the statistics are terrifying: 500+ million people are affected by cardiovascular disease, it kills more people than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease combined, and 80% of related deaths are preventable.

What you can do

Sign the petition

Sign the petition and designate your country of residence so we can alert governments around the world that people demand change in cardiovascular healthcare.

Raise awareness

Raise awareness of the campaign to ensure that everyone (including leaders) knows the terrifying statistics and understand that they can do something about it!

Vote YES for hearts

Our message is simple: Your signature has the power to save lives.


  • Health promotion and prevention
  • Diagnosis, treatment and care
  • Patient and community engagement
  • Education & information

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s number one killer. It kills more people than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease combined. Conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels – such as heart attack, stroke and heart failure – claim more than 20.5 million lives each year.

Current efforts to combat cardiovascular disease at a national level are failing almost everywhere in the world.

Yet 80% of premature deaths are preventable. And leaders have known this for decades.

A cardiovascular health plan acts as a strategic tool reducing premature deaths from heart disease and stroke, while also cutting healthcare costs and productivity losses, saving hundreds of billions of dollars annually worldwide.

Sign the petition to send a powerful message to leaders that a heart action plan is necessary to prevent cardiovascular disease and protect communities from the world’s biggest killer.

“Everyone, including policymakers, should know that a solution is in their vote.”

Promoting a unified effort between government and society effectively reduces the burden of cardiovascular disease.

A million signatures sends a strong message to urge leaders make a bold political declaration at the United Nations High-level Meeting on Non-communicable Diseases in 2025.

Together we can get there!

Sign the Petition

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Latest signatures

Name Country Date Added
Damien Majer United Kingdom flag United Kingdom 25/06/24
Mike Dobbin American Samoa flag American Samoa 20/06/24
Mike d American Samoa flag American Samoa 20/06/24
anonymous American Samoa flag American Samoa 20/06/24
anonymous American Samoa flag American Samoa 20/06/24
Mike American Samoa flag American Samoa 20/06/24
Mike American Samoa flag American Samoa 20/06/24
anonymous Côte d'Ivoire flag Côte d'Ivoire 20/06/24
anonymous Cameroon flag Cameroon 20/06/24
chloe Bangladesh flag Bangladesh 20/06/24
chloe s Antarctica flag Antarctica 20/06/24
chloe sheeran Anguilla flag Anguilla 20/06/24
chloe Taiwan flag Taiwan 20/06/24
ally garton United Kingdom flag United Kingdom 19/06/24