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Celso Amodeo

Candidate for Members at Large
A portrait image of Celse Amodeo

Celso Amodeo



As can be seen in my CV, my associative life has been dedicated to continuing medical education and the development of cardiovascular prevention projects in my country. Since 2002, when I was president of the Brazilian Heart Foundation, I was able to implement, together with the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the HIPERDIA program, which is the largest program in Brazil of care and distribution of medication free of charge to patients with arterial hypertension and/or diabetes. As a member of the WHF, I will be able to contribute with my knowledge in the expansion of these projects not only in Brazil, but also in all countries in the world where this type of preventive work is applied.

Considering my previous work along with the Brazilian Cardiology Society (SBC) in the Cardiovascular Health Promotion Department (FunCor) and as Past President of the SBC, I would like  effectively continue the previous work which Prof. Dr. Avezum had started at the WHF implementing the ROADMAPS in Brazil. The next WHF Congress in Brazil on October, 2022 we have separated an auditorium to have a symposium just about the WHF ROADMAPS project  implementation.We believe that this implementation science or knowledge translation strategy will be essential for scaling up to other Latin American countries and countries in others continents.I am excited to have the opportunity to work with WHF in cardiovascular health prevention and health promotion projects that can also be applied in countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.These are the main reasons that I would like to be WHF Member At Large and what makes me a good candidate for this role.I hope to have everyone’s trust to occupy this honorable WHF position.